Blake Morrow zachycuje fotoaparátem dvojitou identitu drag queens

Úchvatná série fotografií Love Yourself zachycuje dvojí identitu umělců drag.

Fotograf Blake Morrow o svém záměru říká: „Vytvořil jsem sérii Love Yourself, která je inspirována drag uměním, vášní i velmi těžkou prací, která stojí v pozadí každého vystoupení drag performerů. Chtěl jsem vyobrazit něco, co by bavilo, inspirovalo i edukovalo. Doufám, že ti, kteří se s drag dosud nesetkali, uvidí v portrétech [Love Yourself] především lidskost.“

„Drag je zábavný a může zneklidňovat, může přimět naši společnost, aby se na sebe podívala a kladla sama sobě otázky týkající se pohlaví a rovnosti pro všechny, nejen pro ty, kteří odpovídají určitému mainstreamovému očekávání.Drag zneklidňuje ke společenskému dobru pro každého. Obdivuji drag jako uměleckou formu i politickou sílu,“ uvedl dále fotograf.

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And that concludes Volume One of “Love Yourself”, my photo series of drag artists interacting with themselves in and out of their stage personas. A heartfelt thank-you to the drag artists in this collection who trusted me to photograph them both in and out of their drag, and who brought their best to my lens. Make sure to follow @TheQueenPriyanka @TynomiBanks @MissMoco @HughMannTrash @VickiLix @hillaryyaas @NaomiLLeone_ and @SelenaVyle to keep up to date with what they’re all up to! I created this photo series to celebrate an art form that is often misunderstood and perhaps even feared by some people. I wanted to highlight the humanity in each of these drag performers and to showcase their strength and dignity by allowing for a peek behind the make-up. I’m in love with how everyone allowed the many sides of themselves to flow in these portraits. These are brave, passionate and determined souls who are willing to put themselves in front of audiences to entertain and to inspire, and to also push the boundaries of gender in our culture. Sometimes, the best medicine is hidden in humour and entertainment. Initially, these 8 portraits were part of a planned collection of my 16 image exhibit at the famed Gladstone Hotel In Toronto. Covid changed all of that, so I’ve decided to showcase these 8 portraits (And Priyanka’s bonus Drag-Race-winning wedding couple portrait) as “Volume 1”, with “Volume 2” to come in the near future as we all get back into our photo studios safely. I’d love to hear who you’d like to see get this “Love Yourself” portrait treatment. And thanks for all the support through reshares and your messages to me.

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Blake Morrow zamýšlel vytvořit kolekci 16 portrétů, plán byl ale přerušen koronavirovou pandemií. Zatím tedy zůstalo u série tzv. Volume 1, kterou vám zde postupně představíme.

Drag osobnost: Priyanka (Mark Suki)

Chci aby publikum cítilo, že jsem jeho nejlepší přítelkyně, protože já jsem. O tom je celé moje představení. Chci pomoci davu, který mě sleduje, aby před problémy každodenního světa mohl uniknout do světa tance.“

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A WHOLE NEW WORLD starring me as Aladdin & Jasmine! 👑🧞🧞🧞🧞🧞🧞🧞🧞👑 • IT’S OFFICIAL, I’M SAYING THANK YOU. Ever since the big announcement of @CanadasDragRace the outpour of love and support has been incredible. From everyone all over the world showing me #TeamPriyanka love to my friends and family being so supportive, I couldn’t think of a better way to kick off this journey. I’ve kept my kids tv world very separate from my drag world and I could not wait to “mix it all together” so people could see me as Mark, Suki and Priyanka all in one. I am forever celebrating because this is such a huge accomplishment for me and I am so just SO HAPPY. To my photographer extraordinaire @shootblake , thank you for making this vision come alive for your #LoveYourself photo series which launches mid-July. Give him a follow to see other drag entertainers take photos in and out of drag with each one serving an entirely different concept! Hard work pays off and I’m so excited for the premiere of #CanadasDragRace on Jul 2 on @CraveCanada and @worldofwonder + in select countries 👑 photo by: @shootblake hair by: @wigzaddy outfits by: @leelando_m 👑 #prayforpriyanka #torontodrag #torontodragqueen #torontovillage #drag #thedragqueendom #thedragbible #qwerrrkout #werrrkdotcom #dragperfection #crewsandtangos #aladdin #jasmine #cosplay #disneycosplay #cosplayers #cosplay #cosplayer #cosplayersofinstagram #dragqueen #dragrace #canadasdragrace #cravecanada #crave #cdr #dragqueen #drag #rupaulsdragrace

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Priyanka na Instagramu: @TheQueenPriyanka

Drag osobnost: Vicki Lix (DJ)

„Drag je pro každého [everybody] a pro každé tělo [every body]! Zbavte se generalizujících představ, jak by mělo a nemělo vypadat mužské či ženské tělo. Vaše tělo je dokonalé takové, jaké je, a pokud chcete vidět, jak se vaše tělo mění, buďte tou změnou. Drag mi pomohl objevit krásu zevnitř a přenést ji navenek, teď ji mohu žít každý den svého života.“

Vicki Lix na Instagramu: @VickiLix

Drag osobnost: Hillary Yaas (Matthew)

„Předstírám, že jsem žena, protože už se nestarám o to, co muži mají říkat, co říkají.“

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💡 Fun fact: That pitcher is FULL of the heaviest gd ice tea I have ever experienced. 🖐 I had hand cramps for six days afterwards just from holding that thing 🤬~ I quite literally did my best NOT to spill the tea ☕️ ☕️ ☕️ Okay, Hillary… 💁🏻‍♂️ #loveyourself This beautiful shot based on the #honeymooners is part of an amazing photo series created by @shootblake featuring some beautiful gender benders in a relationship with themselves. It’s very representative of my drag: a bit old school, unafraid, camp and caught in an unending cycle of self-deprecation. I’m not classy, sexy or even that talented, so when Blake wanted me to do this photo I said, okay, but you better bring a second camera, I might break the first. And I knew I had to go for funny cuz that’s all I got. So he said, what about that old show Honeymooners, with the couple? I said sure I know it, it got cancelled after one season, it’s perfect for me! I know that this photo will probably be the least popular in the series, cuz the gram hates ugly people, but I’m happy to be a part of it regardless. And if it made you laugh, cry or run away screaming – I am overjoyed 😄 Again, thank you Blake for taking probably the best picture of my life. 💕💕💕 And thank you Shelli, Sapphire, Mikah and the boys and gals for helping me look so great xoxo 😘 👗 by @shelli_oh 👩‍🦰 by @mikahstyleswigworld 💅 by @theonlysapphire 📸 by @shootblake #honeymooners

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Hillary Yaas na Instagramu: @HillaryYaas

Blake Morrow na Instagramu: @ShootBlake

Webové stránky Blaka Morrowa:

Zdroj: Advocate, Instagram, Niceboys
